No internal copies are ever made of external image files used in a report, or of schedules, snapshots, or subscriptions that are stored exclusively in the report server database. 对于用于报表的外部图像文件,或专门存储在报表服务器数据库中的计划、快照或订阅,将不会创建任何内部副本。
Only through learning and training in order to enhance their own internal quality and external image, in order to become an educated modern people. 我们只有通过学习和锻炼才能提升自己的内在品质与外在形象,才能成为一个有教养的现代人。
In21st century with more fierce market competition, our corporation updates our regulation system and external image to prepare amply for challenges with new attitude. 在市场竞争极强的二十一世纪,公司内部更是重新调整了运行体制及对外形象,并做好充足的准备,以全新的姿态迎接市场的挑战。
First, is the host of recognized ability to judge the news, critical thinking skills, such as the dignified, intelligent, wise, intellectual style, features, followed by expression and external image. 首先认可的是主持人对新闻的判断能力、思辨能力,如端庄、知性、睿智、知识分子风格等特点,其次才是表达能力和外在形象。
The report server retains the concept of a resource for storing reports that reference an external image. 报表服务器使用资源理念来存储引用外部图像的报表。
A Study on the Differences in Cognition on the External Image of Unicom between Internal and External Publics 内外公众对联通公司外在形象的认知差异调查研究
That the future is the company's external image of the window, a short span of three months to let my words on this new understanding and experience. 都说前台是公司对外形象的窗口,短短的三个月也让我对这句话有了新的认识和体会。
The main conflicts in the merger of universities and colleges are the external image, the conceptual image, organizational strategy, management, subculture, the selection process, etc. 高校合并后组织文化的冲突主要体现在外显形象、理念形象、组织战略、管理行为、亚文化、甄选过程等方面。
Two kinds of reform designs, where the internal space and external image are emphasized respectively, are expounded by reforming three ordinary old buildings. 通过3个一般性旧建筑改造工程的实例,介绍了分别侧重内部空间和外部形象的两种改造设计方式。
City is the necessary result of the development of social economy. The force of radiation and competitiveness of a city originates from its own economic strength and external image. 城市是社会经济发展的必然结果,城市的辐射力、竞争力来自于自身的经济实力和外部形象。
Guided by GVF information, external image will be evolved until it reaches the desired position. 在图像处理过程中,外部图像由GVF信息引导,最后收敛到所期望的目标位置。
This paper expounds the librarians, as the soul of library cause, must possess the rational knowledge structure, and pay attention to the internal quality improvement and the external image modeling to adapt to the demand of the library's development under the new situation. 阐述了作为图书馆事业灵魂的图书馆员,必须具备合理的知识结构,注重内在素质的提高和外在形象的塑造,才能适应新形势下图书馆生存发展的需要。
On the whole, the higher self-image evaluation that those individuals have, the more confidence they can get. And they can also feel that positive evaluation of external image and internal image can bring a high level of confidence. 总体来说,个体的自我形象评价越高,就会表现的越自信,其自身越多地感觉到对外在形象与内在形象的正确的积极的评价,将会带来高度的自信心水平。
By the government propaganda department, promote and plan of Wenzhou tea culture tourism, design Wenzhou tea culture tourism image of the logo, upgrade its external image, leave its intangible value to get famous. 通过政府掌控的宣传部门,促销和策划温州茶文化旅游,设计温州茶文化旅游的形象标志,整体上提升其外在形象,更让其无形价值得到蜚声。
This mainly refers to the external image of the appearance and physical appearance, the external image of the main means of reproduction portrait products and works with the objective existence of portraits, and reproducibility, identifiable characteristics. 其中外部形象主要指的是外貌和体貌,外部形象的再现主要指肖像制品和肖像作品,肖像具有客观存在性、再现性、可辨认性的特征。
The external image of highway transportation system is an important component of the area brand image. To build the brand urban, it is necessary that highway transportation system building the brand. 高速公路交通系统的外在形象是区域品牌形象的重要组成部分,要建立区域品牌,高速公路交通系统品牌建设势在必行。
As a head in the crucifixion of Christ painting, the view on socio-cultural shows some deviation from the art of painting, so external image and mental image are elaborated from purely iconography view when investigating his image. 耶稣作为基督受难题材绘画中的主角,由于通常关于社会文化的角度对绘画艺术有一定的偏离,这里在研究他的形象时从纯粹图像志的角度阐述了耶稣的外在形象和精神形象。
Portrait refers to a natural person, as well as external image external image reproduction. 肖像是指自然人的外部形象以及外部形象的再现。
In the use of a unified platform, unified external image of the Group, unified source of news tips. 在使用一个统一的平台后,本集团统一了对外形象,统一了新闻线索来源。
Advertising media attention and the independent concisions and the pressure feeling of external image affect the level of the body consumption of female graduate. 对传媒广告的关注度、性别意识中的独立意识和自身特质意识以及外在形象压力感对女研究生的身体消费水平也有显著的影响。
On the Contemporary China silver screen, the lunatic image takes one kind of specific artistic image to appear repeatedly by no means accidentally, they have the external image similarity and the intrinsic mechanism stability, is undertaking some kind of specific function which the screenwriter-director entrusts with. 在当代中国银幕上,癫狂者形象作为一种特定的艺术形象频频出现并非偶然,他们有着外在形象的相似性和内在机制的稳定性,承担着编导赋予的某种特定功能。
Brand quality management includes internal quality management of products and external image design management, service quality management and subjective feeling of consumers toward the products. 品牌质量管理包括产品内在质量管理、外在设计形象质量管理、服务质量管理和费者对产品的主观感受。
Many quality colleges 'and universities' superintendent hoped that attracts through the external image lives the source, many schools therefore have also obtained the great economic efficiency and the social efficiency. 许多高职院校的管理者希望通过外在形象来吸引生源,不少学校也因此获得了较大的经济效益和社会效益。
External image of the business enterprise is the external performance which determined by the intrinsic characteristics of enterprises. It is the perspective and evaluation of relevant public on exon-related things and phenomena of enterprises. 而企业的外在形象是由企业的内在特点所决定的外在表现,是相关公众对企业相关的外显事物和现象的看法和评价。
And the reconstruction of external image and environmental space of waterfront landscapes should be paid more attention in urban waterfront environment. 并且以城市滨水环境为依托,重点关注滨水景观外部形象的改造和环境空间的改造。
Under this basis, this essay will list and summarize in details the external image and the design elements and methods of internal space and scene construction. 并在此基础上,详细罗列归纳了基于传播学原理的建筑外部成像与内部空间场景建构的设计要素和方式方法。
Based on multiple real estate enterprises in the brand construction the successful experience in analysis, and summarize preciously existing achievements in theory, will estate enterprise brand shaping can be summarized as follows: the external image and the intrinsic value of two aspects. 首先通过对多个房地产企业在品牌建设方面取得的成功经验进行分析,并总结前人已有的理论成果,将房地产企业的品牌塑造概括为:外在形象和内在价值两方面的工作。
So modern museum need to introduce the new idea continuously for external image and services. 因此现代博物馆在对外形象和服务方面需要不断引入新的理念。
However, most of these studies merely focus on the relationship between the image of a country and the cognition outside as an entry point, and less on the relationship between the external image and the internal factors of a country. 但是这些研究着重从外部对国家的认知与国家形象之间的关系作为切入口,对国家内部因素与国家形象之间关系的研究较少涉足。
Most of the users think that the buildings have already behind the times, whether the internal space or the external image. They need for a more modern, efficient and full of humane care and future-oriented office environment. 使用者们也普遍感到无论从内部功能还是外部形象建筑都已经落后于时代的发展,需要一个更为现代、高效、充满人文关怀并面向未来的办公环境。